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151 to 160 of 817 Results
Tabular Data - 4 B - 1 Variables, 1 Observations - UNF:6:psLQjMqLPZMi4SymBsfUnA==
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MS Word - 18.1 KB - MD5: 66737b35e82fd57aad5996cae424a26c
(a) Inventario de Retención de Pareja-Versión Corta (MRI-SF - Mate Retention Inventory Short Form; Buss et al., 2008)
MS Word - 17.1 KB - MD5: 206a2d8ded914098f54976829b8c83b9
(b) Índice de Control de Comportamiento (CBI - Controlling Behavior Index; Dobash et al., 1995)
MS Word - 17.4 KB - MD5: 72ceb829c92db9964898b2e88167625a
(c) Índice de Evaluación de Violencia (VAI - Violence Assessment Index; Dobash et al., 1995)
MS Word - 17.1 KB - MD5: edbe9f586187b0a97b64d2deec7ca8ab
(d) Índice de Evaluación de Daño (IAI - Injury Assessment Index; Dobash et al., 1995)
MS Word - 18.2 KB - MD5: 4eb15595f9177e2e89399b12086107e3
(e) Escala de Coerción Sexual en la Relación Íntima (SCIRS - Sexual Coercion in Intimate Relationships Scale; Shackelford & Goetz, 2004)
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